Enough of feeling unfit!

During the long pandemic, I neglected going to the gym. At the same time my dog became very old and our walks became shorter and slower. Now, in early summer, I feel unfit and sluggish. So I decided to do what is extremely popular in northern Germany: cycle and start the Sunday with a bike ride.

The first two tours proved to be challenging. My muscles protested and I was out of breath at the smallest incline – there are also those in Northern Germany. It scratches my pride a little when families with small children or people much older than me pass me on their bikes, but then I tell myself that by autumn at the latest I will be the one overtaking untrained cyclists.

The nice thing about my home town of Lüneburg is that you can be in nature within a few minutes by bike. Some old, narrow roads have been turned into bike lanes, but there are also many forest trails that are good for cycling. Between the villages there are cycle paths almost everywhere next to the country road, so that even I, as a somewhat sluggish and slow elderly lady, feel safe.

This morning I passed the house of a local artist in one of the villages, Heiligenthal. He draws attention to himself with art in a box and I liked that so much that I took some photos for you guys. Maybe you have an old teapot and don’t know where to put it.

I saw this sign less than 1000 meters away. Only 5 – 6 km away from Lüneburg, wolves are roaming through. I find that fascinating, and no, I’m not afraid.

And what did I do with the rest of Sunday? SH and I took a car trip to a nice cafe in the middle of nowhere that offers fantastic cakes and tarts. I think I deserve some extra calories today.

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